Videos Horsch 2023 flashback AUTONOMOUS Horsch 2023 flashback MAESTRO Horsch 2023 flashback ENGINEERING Horsch 2023 flashback in the factory Horsch 2023 flashback - CULTRO Horsch 2023 flashback Michael Horsch Horsch 2023 flashback - LEEB Horsch 2023 flashback Horsch Factory ♥️ MACHINE ♥️ MAN ♥️ ROBOTS ♥️ delivering perfection HORSCH Avatar 4.16SD Horsch Cultro in Wheat Horsch Sprinter 18NT Avatar 6.16 SD Horsch Tiger in Sugar Cane trash Cultro smashing crop residue and cover crops Cultro 3T for the formation of humus Cultro 12TC delivered and ready to "ROLL" Hybrid Farming - Transformer, hoeing technology for mechanical weed control New Holland and Horsch Horsch Serto 12SC Horsch Tiger 6MT for Tillage, Mixing Residue and Cultivation in one pass. Horsch Robo autonomous planter Tillage and seed drill - Joker RT with Mini Drill Joker 3 5CT walk around with Shane Christian 18m Cultro in Canada Horsch Tiger - walk around with Shane Christian - Tillage Equipment Horsch Maestro planting cotton with Neek and Robyn Morawitz in Comet, CQ 12m Horsch Avatar with Andrew and Rob Cameron at Mt Mercer Cultivation Machinery - Terrano by HORSCH Horsch Avatar 18SD Horsch Sprinter M20 - Armstrong and Sons, Comet, Queensland Cultro Smashing Maestro positive pressure planter animation of the electric unit The 'NEW' Horsch Sprinter 18NT Horsch Sprinter 18NT, thanks to Phil and Cindy Coggan HORSCH Maestro optimum planting window HORSCH Maestro and Focus in the Ukraine Tillage Equipment - Tiger 6MT and Mini Drill WA Horsch Sprinter 18NT in Central NSW Robo 18MT Autonomous Planter 18M Robo real planting Corn trials ♥️ We completed the Robo ♥️ Focus 12MT Planting Barley in Gnowangerup, WA Pronto 12NT in Western Australia Horsch Sprinter 18NT, thanks to Phil and Cindy Coggan Horsch Sprinter working in Surat, QLD sowing wheat. Horsch Sprinter being built in Mooroopna, Victoria Avatar 12.25SD working in Ariah Park, NSW
Horsch 2023 flashback AUTONOMOUS Horsch 2023 flashback MAESTRO Horsch 2023 flashback ENGINEERING Horsch 2023 flashback in the factory Horsch 2023 flashback - CULTRO Horsch 2023 flashback Michael Horsch Horsch 2023 flashback - LEEB Horsch 2023 flashback Horsch Factory ♥️ MACHINE ♥️ MAN ♥️ ROBOTS ♥️ delivering perfection HORSCH Avatar 4.16SD Horsch Cultro in Wheat Horsch Sprinter 18NT Avatar 6.16 SD Horsch Tiger in Sugar Cane trash Cultro smashing crop residue and cover crops Cultro 3T for the formation of humus Cultro 12TC delivered and ready to "ROLL" Hybrid Farming - Transformer, hoeing technology for mechanical weed control New Holland and Horsch Horsch Serto 12SC Horsch Tiger 6MT for Tillage, Mixing Residue and Cultivation in one pass. Horsch Robo autonomous planter Tillage and seed drill - Joker RT with Mini Drill Joker 3 5CT walk around with Shane Christian 18m Cultro in Canada Horsch Tiger - walk around with Shane Christian - Tillage Equipment Horsch Maestro planting cotton with Neek and Robyn Morawitz in Comet, CQ 12m Horsch Avatar with Andrew and Rob Cameron at Mt Mercer Cultivation Machinery - Terrano by HORSCH Horsch Avatar 18SD Horsch Sprinter M20 - Armstrong and Sons, Comet, Queensland Cultro Smashing Maestro positive pressure planter animation of the electric unit The 'NEW' Horsch Sprinter 18NT Horsch Sprinter 18NT, thanks to Phil and Cindy Coggan HORSCH Maestro optimum planting window HORSCH Maestro and Focus in the Ukraine Tillage Equipment - Tiger 6MT and Mini Drill WA Horsch Sprinter 18NT in Central NSW Robo 18MT Autonomous Planter 18M Robo real planting Corn trials ♥️ We completed the Robo ♥️ Focus 12MT Planting Barley in Gnowangerup, WA Pronto 12NT in Western Australia Horsch Sprinter 18NT, thanks to Phil and Cindy Coggan Horsch Sprinter working in Surat, QLD sowing wheat. Horsch Sprinter being built in Mooroopna, Victoria Avatar 12.25SD working in Ariah Park, NSW